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Papparazzi Lyrics

We are the crowd, we're c-comin' out

Got my flash on, it's true

Need that picture of you

It so magical, we'd be so fantastical

Leather and jeans, garage glamorous

Not sure what it means

But this photo of us it don't have a price

Ready for those flashing light

'Cause you know that baby, I

I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me

Papa, paparazzi

Baby, there's no other superstar, you know that I'll be

Your papa, paparazzi

Promise I'll be kind

But I won't stop until that boy is mine

Baby, you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me

Papa, paparazzi

I'll be your girl backstage at your show

Velvet ropes and guitars

Yeah, cause you're my rock star in between the sets

Eyeliner and cigarettes

Shadow is burnt, yellow dance and we turn

My lashes are dry, purple teardrops I cry

It don't have a price, loving you is cherry pie

Cause you know that baby, I

I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me

Papa, paparazzi

Baby, there's no other superstar, you know that I'll be

Your papa, paparazzi

Promise I'll be kind

But I won't stop until that boy is mine

Baby, you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me

Papa, paparazzi

Real good, we dance in the studio

Snap, snap to that shit on the radio

Don't stop for anyone

We're plastic but we still have fun

I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me

Papa, paparazzi

Baby, there's no other superstar, you know that I'll be

Your papa, paparazzi

Promise I'll be kind

But I won't stop until that boy is mine

Baby, you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me

Papa, paparazzi

Ununderstandable Crushes

  I may be young, but  i watch soaps and dramas on television. I always wondered, why did lovers keep silent over their love to other people. Although i had never felt love from a boy/girl before, but i feel that a person ought to tell the other person if he/she really likes him/her. I mean, if you tell that person, there is a 50% chance that person is in love with you! Even though there is another 50% chance that person will not like you, but hey! If you see it in the negative side, nothing will be achieved by the end of the day.

  If you reveal your crush to him/her, you have got nothing to lose. You might get some laughs from friends and enemies. But seriously, do what i do! Hold my head up high after getting scolded and people will see you as a brave human who is not scared of anything. If they still laugh, just toss your head( for girls ) and say, "you guys laugh at me, but are you brave enough to do what i do?" Then walk away with a flourish. Soon people will start seeing you as the person that won't be bullied, the gal/guy that won't care of nobodies. Who knows, you might even get your crush in the end!
  Anyway, this piece of blog is not advice, but he speech from my mind...

Halloween Questions

I was wondering, why did people use pumpkins to be scary models at halloween? Look at this one down here...

This one is sorta scary...

Why don't they use watermelons, or honeydew even shriveled apple is scarier!! Like this apple!           

Well, on the whole... i suppose some of the pumpkins for halloween is kinda cute... like this smiley faced one

 Anyway, here is my first picture blog, and also one of the shortest blog mind you! Please comment and tell me if you guys like the long and meaning-ish (if my english teacher see this word im dead) or short with pictures or stories.


Friendship realization

  In my last blog about friendship, i wrote that friends are like a gust of wind. I still think that actually. But on the positive side of our friendship circle. I realised that, when my friends fly here and there, i did not join them.Instead, I stay behind and mope, my face green with jealousy. My biggest problem is my sense of jealousy.
  I should have realised that in the world today, there are very little people who you can call true best friends. We should be contented with the limited friends GOD gave us. Like my sister. I also found out that i am very small minded, unlike my friends who can mix with anyone in this world.
  Anyway, my friends are friendly with me now, in case my readers are asking. And even if my friends are unfriendly with me, i still have my family to support and encourage me. Like they do when they saw my last blog...

Freedom Story

  Once upon a time, there lived a man who loves plants. He would tend to his plants no matter how busy he is. His name is Thomas. Thomas have a son named John. John's mother had died when she was playing with him and since then, his father had never allowed him to go out of the house. John wasn't even allowed to go to school. And grew up to be ignorant.
  One day, as Thomas was walking to the market, he saw an old man beckoning to him. He went to the man's side. The old man whispered in his ear, "you love plants, don't you my lad?" Thomas nodded. The old man then said, "here lad, take this seed and plant it in your house. Give it everything that a living thing need. If it fits in, the plant will grow beautiful flowers. The fruits if eaten will cure any sickness." Thomas is overjoyed to get such a valuable plant and rushed home immedietly to plant it. Forgetting his plans to go to the market.
  John was suprised to see his father home so early. But he remained silent. He saw that his father had gotten a new seed and talking will be useless when his father was in such an excited mood. Thomas went to find a pot to plant the seed in. He watered the plant everyday and sprinkled fertiliser on it. As the plant was so precious, he placed it in a cage. However, instead of growing beautiful flowers and the miraculous fruit, the plant grow into a mere stump that emitted a horrid smell. Thomas was outraged with fury. "I paid a fortune for this dratted plant!" He yelled to himself. He decided to go and find the old man to ask for a refund.
  As he stepped out to his front gate, he noticed a beautiful lady walking towards him. Thomas was suprised as he practically lived in the middle of nowhere. He wondered where the lady to and waseven more suprised when the lady talked to him. "How's the plant that i sold to you?" The lady ask in a silvery voice. Thomas was speechless for a moment, them he said, " but it's a man who sold me that dratted plant!" the lady the answered, " i am a nature fairy. I saw the love you gave for plants and decided to give you this precious plant of life. And now you come tell me that the plant is dratted. how dare you?" Thomas walked into his house followed closely by the fairy and pointed to the horrible smell emmitting plant. The fairy was silent for a moment, then she smiled.
  "My good man, did you give this plant enough water, sunlight and air?" the fairy asked politely. Thomas nodded. "How about the sense of freedom?" The fairy asked. "What are you talking about? Plants don't need freedom!" Yelled Thomas indignantly. The fairy pulled out the plant from the cage. Immedietly, the plant began to grow beautiful flowers and a golden fruit. Thomas mouth opened in suprise. The fairy then said, " a plant is like a human, it needs freedom to grow healthily. Keeping a plant cooped up in a cage is like torturing a human. If you get what i mean."
  That was when Thomas realised why his son is so weak and always got sick. He has too little fresh air and does not play enough to give him energy. He thanked the fairy meekly for her advice. From that day onwards, Thomas allowed his son to play outside and attend school. John grew ur to be a healthy and smart boy. THE END

Spice Garden Trip in Teluk Bahang

Wrote a lot of meaningful paragraphs. Now it's time to tell bout my personal life. Went to Teluk Bahang Spice Garden today. it's quite nice i suppose. My friend erica got covered on the head with bird shit( haha!!). And my other friend may tan became professor einstein all of a sudden. Conclusion: i kinda enjoy this trip...


 Friendship is like a wind, in my experience. it lingers for a while in your place and make you feel cool and contented. Just as you think life couldn't get better, the wind rushes of to another place. Making you feel hot and stuffy again. that's my experince of being a friend. When they like me, they can do anything to make me feel like one of them. But when this great friendship ends when my friends meet up with another girl. they totally ignored me. i don't mind sharing my friendship with another girl. But the problem is, they don't even want me to join them now!! I'm left out of everything. The kind of feeling when you are being ignored by people you had always trusted and cared for is infuriating. it's like hot big daggers RUSHING to poke you in the heart and you feel a sense of loneliness.Of course, i did that to my enemy. But we are friends again now!! Well, sorta... I'm the kind of person who don't mind being alone, but want to have a feeling that there are still friends and family who care. I have a remarkably hard shell that can stand trouble with a simple wave of my hand. But my biggest weakness is being dumped by my family and friends. In my twelve years of life, i have not gained any humungous experinces. I had always believed that i won't be scared of anything. Not even UPSR which i am NOT scared. But this time, i had gained an experience that has a big impact in my life, that actually give me a tremour to think about, that leaves a crack in my outer shell, nearly showing the soft soul whitin... I hope this terrible sadness will end faster. Even though i don't mind challenges, but even challenges has it's boundaries... RIGHT?

A Beginner's Life

A nice life is always what people wanted... BUT that's not what we get. Instead, we get a life of horror and sadness, but should we give up? Should we sit down and moan about our unluckyness? Or shall we start going on drugs and kill ourselves? I would rather think not. Instead, why don't sit down and think of a moment about what we should do. ponder, if we were to die... Then why did we fail in the first place? We failed because we tried, and it's stupid to torture ourselves. Since we had failed, what is there to lose from trying again? If this thing can make a million of citizens out there rich, why not you? You are human, created by GOD out of magical hands, and taken care of by family members. now it's your turn, to prove something, to show the world. Because one day, you will be the person that becomes the family member that takes care of a kid, watch him/her grow and follow your footsteps. All im saying here might seem boring and ununderstandable. But i am sure someone will understand. i know people will fail to find the meaning of this paragraph. But read it anyway. THE END>>>