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Ununderstandable Crushes

  I may be young, but  i watch soaps and dramas on television. I always wondered, why did lovers keep silent over their love to other people. Although i had never felt love from a boy/girl before, but i feel that a person ought to tell the other person if he/she really likes him/her. I mean, if you tell that person, there is a 50% chance that person is in love with you! Even though there is another 50% chance that person will not like you, but hey! If you see it in the negative side, nothing will be achieved by the end of the day.

  If you reveal your crush to him/her, you have got nothing to lose. You might get some laughs from friends and enemies. But seriously, do what i do! Hold my head up high after getting scolded and people will see you as a brave human who is not scared of anything. If they still laugh, just toss your head( for girls ) and say, "you guys laugh at me, but are you brave enough to do what i do?" Then walk away with a flourish. Soon people will start seeing you as the person that won't be bullied, the gal/guy that won't care of nobodies. Who knows, you might even get your crush in the end!
  Anyway, this piece of blog is not advice, but he speech from my mind...


Shyn Lyn ♥ said...

I guess we're not too young to know this kinda stuff..right?

sharon said...

Some ppl choose not to voice out cos they are afraid that things might turn out that is why they prefer to be low profile and remain silence. Its better to still maintain the friendship then to loose a friend. However dont get me wrong, cos such scenarios only happen in one or two cases. Some is pretty smooth sailling like what you mentioned above :)