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Halloween Questions

I was wondering, why did people use pumpkins to be scary models at halloween? Look at this one down here...

This one is sorta scary...

Why don't they use watermelons, or honeydew even shriveled apple is scarier!! Like this apple!           

Well, on the whole... i suppose some of the pumpkins for halloween is kinda cute... like this smiley faced one

 Anyway, here is my first picture blog, and also one of the shortest blog mind you! Please comment and tell me if you guys like the long and meaning-ish (if my english teacher see this word im dead) or short with pictures or stories.



sharon said...

Happy Halloween!!! Im not sure if this answers your Q but you can check out the link below just for further knowledge..the tale of Pumpkin Jack O Lantern haha...

p/s: it would be so nice if our country practise halloween celebration and we can go around knocking on doors and shout "Trick or treat" haha

Q: Do you like Halloween?