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Friendship realization

  In my last blog about friendship, i wrote that friends are like a gust of wind. I still think that actually. But on the positive side of our friendship circle. I realised that, when my friends fly here and there, i did not join them.Instead, I stay behind and mope, my face green with jealousy. My biggest problem is my sense of jealousy.
  I should have realised that in the world today, there are very little people who you can call true best friends. We should be contented with the limited friends GOD gave us. Like my sister. I also found out that i am very small minded, unlike my friends who can mix with anyone in this world.
  Anyway, my friends are friendly with me now, in case my readers are asking. And even if my friends are unfriendly with me, i still have my family to support and encourage me. Like they do when they saw my last blog...


jovin said...

Yes sis u can actually realize it. True friend hard to find, just ignore the bitches. Love u always...muaks muaks.

sharon said...

There is an advantage for being small minded too which is we tend to get hurt less. i dont know if you agree with me on this but sometimes when we are too open as in too friendly then ppl tend to take advantage on us more and there comes lots of issues. Anyhow of course there is also advantages if you are open cos you can learn a lot from there and become wiser. So in summary i would say maintain it as a 50/50 situation :)
Please continue writing ya ...:) Gambateh!! hehe