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Freedom Story

  Once upon a time, there lived a man who loves plants. He would tend to his plants no matter how busy he is. His name is Thomas. Thomas have a son named John. John's mother had died when she was playing with him and since then, his father had never allowed him to go out of the house. John wasn't even allowed to go to school. And grew up to be ignorant.
  One day, as Thomas was walking to the market, he saw an old man beckoning to him. He went to the man's side. The old man whispered in his ear, "you love plants, don't you my lad?" Thomas nodded. The old man then said, "here lad, take this seed and plant it in your house. Give it everything that a living thing need. If it fits in, the plant will grow beautiful flowers. The fruits if eaten will cure any sickness." Thomas is overjoyed to get such a valuable plant and rushed home immedietly to plant it. Forgetting his plans to go to the market.
  John was suprised to see his father home so early. But he remained silent. He saw that his father had gotten a new seed and talking will be useless when his father was in such an excited mood. Thomas went to find a pot to plant the seed in. He watered the plant everyday and sprinkled fertiliser on it. As the plant was so precious, he placed it in a cage. However, instead of growing beautiful flowers and the miraculous fruit, the plant grow into a mere stump that emitted a horrid smell. Thomas was outraged with fury. "I paid a fortune for this dratted plant!" He yelled to himself. He decided to go and find the old man to ask for a refund.
  As he stepped out to his front gate, he noticed a beautiful lady walking towards him. Thomas was suprised as he practically lived in the middle of nowhere. He wondered where the lady to and waseven more suprised when the lady talked to him. "How's the plant that i sold to you?" The lady ask in a silvery voice. Thomas was speechless for a moment, them he said, " but it's a man who sold me that dratted plant!" the lady the answered, " i am a nature fairy. I saw the love you gave for plants and decided to give you this precious plant of life. And now you come tell me that the plant is dratted. how dare you?" Thomas walked into his house followed closely by the fairy and pointed to the horrible smell emmitting plant. The fairy was silent for a moment, then she smiled.
  "My good man, did you give this plant enough water, sunlight and air?" the fairy asked politely. Thomas nodded. "How about the sense of freedom?" The fairy asked. "What are you talking about? Plants don't need freedom!" Yelled Thomas indignantly. The fairy pulled out the plant from the cage. Immedietly, the plant began to grow beautiful flowers and a golden fruit. Thomas mouth opened in suprise. The fairy then said, " a plant is like a human, it needs freedom to grow healthily. Keeping a plant cooped up in a cage is like torturing a human. If you get what i mean."
  That was when Thomas realised why his son is so weak and always got sick. He has too little fresh air and does not play enough to give him energy. He thanked the fairy meekly for her advice. From that day onwards, Thomas allowed his son to play outside and attend school. John grew ur to be a healthy and smart boy. THE END