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Love is everything around you...

Love is the skies of blue in your gaze,
The smell of heather in a maze,
The sight of a cat licking her kittens,
A warm loving mother making mittens.

Friendship is the love which holds in friends,
The hearty laugh of something which is not funny,
The laugh that comes when seeing a friend so happy,
The smile that lingers in the eyes when you achieve,
The tears that well up when you fail...

Parental love is the touch of a first born,
The nourishing and care given with a willing heart,
Smiling at the sound of something happy,
Sharing when the comimg of something sad.

School love is the love between teacher and student,
The patient teaching when the class is a riot,
A beautiful story behind the student's eyes,
The suprising happiness that pours from every class,
The pleasant feeling when the teacher smiles at a student.

And last with have the most powerful love of all,
The love that appears like music in your soul,
Like the beauty of a lily that brghtens up a pond,
The happiness that you feel when you give and share.

Love is infinate... And shall last till the end of eternity...
Pened by, Vanessa Tan Yun Xin