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Be yourself

I hate people who acts like they are all good just so they can impress,

I hate people that curls up to teachers to get good grades,
I mutter angrily when someone dares not speak up,
And wonders crossly why people always give up!

I loathe people that says things behind your back,
Hey! If you hate me... say it to myface,
I don't like people who write things in fb like:
I hate v......, o...... and things like that.

I don't like cowards who act all sweet,
Then stabs you behind your back like a F...... creep,
People who sucks up to you are nothing but leech,
Humans who acts superior is nothing but SHIT!!!

The things I say I sometimes do,
Especially in a new crowd, I am hopelessly doomed!!!
But still I try, not to be a coward,
And be myself, because I like my style..

I AM special, i'm not boasting,
Casue that's what everyone's born out to be!
A champion, a star, a king, a queen,
Anything that you can think...
But remember, the most important thing
Is to always be YOURSELF!!!

Love is everything around you...

Love is the skies of blue in your gaze,
The smell of heather in a maze,
The sight of a cat licking her kittens,
A warm loving mother making mittens.

Friendship is the love which holds in friends,
The hearty laugh of something which is not funny,
The laugh that comes when seeing a friend so happy,
The smile that lingers in the eyes when you achieve,
The tears that well up when you fail...

Parental love is the touch of a first born,
The nourishing and care given with a willing heart,
Smiling at the sound of something happy,
Sharing when the comimg of something sad.

School love is the love between teacher and student,
The patient teaching when the class is a riot,
A beautiful story behind the student's eyes,
The suprising happiness that pours from every class,
The pleasant feeling when the teacher smiles at a student.

And last with have the most powerful love of all,
The love that appears like music in your soul,
Like the beauty of a lily that brghtens up a pond,
The happiness that you feel when you give and share.

Love is infinate... And shall last till the end of eternity...
Pened by, Vanessa Tan Yun Xin

Past, present, future

~the past is a history, the future a mystery and the present, a gift. Which is why we call it present...

 Let's say, you just lost your loved one last year(touch wood). People is milling around, comforting you. Asking you not to dwell in the past and concentrate on the future. If I'm the one comforting you, I wouldn't say that. I would call you to remember the past. Just don't think of it as something negative. Think it as something positive.
  Seriously, ask yourself if you really want to forget the past. Wouldn't you feel better going sad and down? That's what people mostly feel when something sad has happened. But they force themselves to forget about it. Do you know? If you try forgetting something in your brain when your heart and soul wants you to remeber it, you might kill yourself. Point is, you should dwell on the past, but take it as lesson to you to continue living for the better. You should appreciate the present. Just like you will appreciate someone who gives you a gift. And try not to pressure on the future. As my motto goes,
"Go together with life, don't rush yourself to get faster than life"
  Life shold be appreciated. God create many obstacles on our way. Just to test how we get through it. Sometimes, we should treat life a bit like a dare. Daringness to face circumstances, daringness to come out of it and continue with life...