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  Running away from home is a common subject on the mouths of teenagers these days. I gotta admit, I talk about running from home freely with my friends at school. But seriously, I have never really thought about running away. Number one, I am the type of person that believes in god and karma. I never did things that is remarkably harmful or bad. Running away needs money, my savings are little, and I am not ready to steal. Number two, I have a strong sense of willpower that can help me overcome sadness and makes me think positively. Last but not least, I have my friends and family's feelings to consider. Even if I run away from my parents and hate them out of their wits, I still have to think of my friends and maybe even teachers. Someone I know ran away, her friends are currently fretting and worrying, some even crying about her. Naturally, her family is remarkably sad.
  Running away from trouble will just make the problem seem more difficult to handle. Have you ever thought? You can't go into running forever... the police is bound to find you. When you come home, what will you do? Say sorry? Plead for forgiveness and comfort? Ask for the help from friends? Not too late, but doing it earlier will cause more heartbreak.
  I'm glad God gave me a sense of willpower. For those who don't, go find help. God is like playing a game with us, don't you see? Not a bad game, just a game to test us, the strongest one survives, the weak ones loses. Gods play this game fair. The things that can help us pass the tests are around us. If we find it, we win, too weak and scared to strive... LOSE!!! duh...
  Anyhow, the person that ran away is causing her freinds to be sad and irritated. I hope she can come back and they'll give her a talk on...     


jovin said...

U know, the person who running away from home and avoiding problem are the most stupid and selfish people. They dun even care for their family, they never tought of others feeling. Most useless people in the world...

vanessa said...

i know, sis... she's my friend. we're all soooo sad for her but at last we decided not to care for such a stupid person

-fAtaLmOoNaNgel- said...

my friend's back!!