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We know that chicks are hatched from eggs right? We also know that eggs come from chickens, right? That's normal... Or is it? I use to think, that the universe, planets, and everything is made from God. But currently, I have been wondering... What is this world REALLY made of?
  I mean, gods were once humans, right? So who creatd them? Who was the first creator? Who even created such thing as FIRST? These thoughts used to make me mad. So I mostly just give up. But that's beside the point.
  The point is, we have a;ways heard of parents telling their children to believe in GOD And for centuries, there is proof that there are such thing as Gods. We think that we can appreciate life jus by devoting our lives to the gods. Just by praying and believing in them. But are we showing ENOUGH to the gods that we trust and devote?
 I'm pretty young. In fact, I haven't even experienced the difficulties of the world yet. But I just want to know, why can't we take ife as it is? Normally, people are scared of death. Even me... I wonder, readers... have you ever wondered, that life is destined? I mean, life or death has been written in destiny. We cannot do anything to stop it. So why are we scared of it?
  Of course, we HAVE to take care of ourselves. Sometimes, I imagine god up there, looking down at us. Just like how we treat animals and plants in experiments. God is experimenting with us. The so-called humans. Perhaps god don't control our brain. God looks down and see what will happen to people if they are destined like so-and-so. Who knows, there might be another dimension that God created, to compare with our human world.
  And now, my ununderstandable (probably) piece of blog is finished. I just want to say, I believe in God, and in karma. I believe, a bit of love and appreciation, will change something. Who can determine what? But something...