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  Last friday, i went to kl with a group of Girl Guides for a program( i will make another post for that ). On the way back, we stopped at a shopping mall in Putrajaya for lunch. That was when i had a sudden thought. It stated when i looked at my arms, swaying as i move along. Then i noticed my other fellow Girl Guide friends, their hands are also swaying as they walked! People who are reading this blog right now, will think i'm a mental person to write about such normal things as this. Yes, i agree that this act is normal, but how many humans noticed that this is part of magic, a real type of magic. Not the magic tricks that we normally see. Unfortunately, people only notice magical TRICKS these days.
  Ok, if the above magic act is too daft for you, why not i give you another act. Chicks hatching from eggs!! How did that happen? We only notice delicious roasted chicken, but we did not think, how can a chick grow inside a small egg like that? If i asked this to a scientist, he/she will probably start droning about the work of Science bla bla bla... But they never stop to wonder, what is it that created Science. Don't the conclusion go back to God? the creator of being? The only one that has the right to use magic?
  Humans today keep quarelling of who has the best skill in a field. But did they notice, their skills are created by magic, the fields are created by magic and every word that pours out from their mouths are also made of magic?
  Therefore, instead of quarelling for power and respect, humans should make use of their skill to make a better world. I mean, what have they got to lose? If the world is peaceful, they will live peacefully. Isn't that a great thing? Every piece of magic that is given to us can do something. Even blind people are created by magic and can do some good to the world.Which is why we must be happy  with what we have instead of wishing every day for a change that is even better which only wastes time. Time is money...


sharon said...

its mother nature. Its God's Gift :)